8 Best Nintendo Switch Launch Games - Ranked

4. Snipperclips - Cut it Out, Together!

Snipperclips cut it out together

Onto one of the most original games on the Switch, and something that's just pure Nintendo. It's true Snipperclips was actually made by a tiny indie studio (SFB Games) comprised of two people, Tom and Adam Vian, yet Nintendo saw how perfectly the concept would work for drop-in local multiplayer, and published it accordingly.

Playing as a puzzle game were you and a friend control two small pieces of paper, you'll need to solve a variety of scenarios by overlaying yourselves into various shapes, before committing to 'cutting' each other and letting the physics engine do the rest. This means creating makeshift ramps to launch a ball across a level, perhaps slicing yourself into a holding device to carry something, or just overlaying onto each other to match a specific shape.

snipperclips cut it out

It's all very cute, and it's all supremely fun - especially when played with a likeminded gamer. The Switch is making its case for couch co-op being truly immortal, and games like Snipperclips hammer that home better than most.

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