8 Best Nintendo Switch Launch Games - Ranked

1. The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

legend of zelda breath of the wild

The entire point of this list was getting around the notion of hanging an entire system on just one game, but being Nintendo have pretty much handled the Switch's launch lineup as being led by Zelda, it does beg that question all the same.

Thankfully, Breath of the Wild is more like one of fresh air. A sublimely serene feeling of being handcrafted and polished to the nth degree, Nintendo took their time perfecting everything from the brutal-yet-rewarding difficulty curve to the experimental survival mechanics, in-depth puzzle rooms, boss battles and fan-devoted story, resulting in something that's already made its mark on history.

There's a little something for everyone in Breath of the Wild, and if you're looking for titles to justify your new system - and to play them non-stop from TV to handheld, in bed, on the train and on your lunch break - it's all of the above, right alongside the finest Legend of Zelda of them all.


What will you be picking up first? Let us know in the comments!

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