8 Biggest Unsung Heroes Working In The Video Game Industry

4. Countless Writers - Taking Cinematic Story-Telling To The Medium

Mark Of The Ninja
Warner Bros. Montreal

While there is much to be owed to the army of mo-cap artists who have helped elevate the medium towards new heights of authentic animation, nothing can come close to the authors who craft a convincing story.

Corey May and Dooma Wendschuh are two of the most prominent (yet unspoken) talents in the industry, having collaborated on countless titles in the past, including the unfairly underrated Batman: Arkham Origins with Ryan Galletta.

Along with these three, talents like Patrick Redding (now also in a position at Warner Bros. Montreal) and Susan O'Connor have all helped make some of the biggest releases of the decade what they are. It's not an easy thing to create an engaging narrative, especially in a format that is often presented in such a non-linear fashion, but these guys are able to do with tact, nuance and then some, all while avoiding dreaded cliches in the process.

Hundreds of writers are currently involved in the industry, though their contributions are often grossly underrepresented in the run-up to release day. Companies wheel out their directors, designers and animators ahead of release (and rightly so), but writers really aren't usually given as big a platform to highlight their contributions.

For an industry that has been striving for artistic recognition for decades now, placing greater emphasis on the people who have done the most to mature it, at least narratively, should really be a no-brainer.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.