8 Brilliant Video Games Made Impossible By Terrible Mechanics

4. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - THE CAMERA

Metal Gear Rising Easter Egg

Platinum Games, if they were a person would most definitely be a cartoonish evil scientist, as their offerings are so over the top and downright mad in places that you almost imagine them having a doomsday device half built in their offices.

And there is quite possibly no better expression of their design philosophy of "Let's HAVE SOME !*$% FUN" than Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance which is hands down the most off-the-wall Metal Gear experience to date. Dropping stealth for all out the action was always going to stick in the craw of some die-hard fans but the sheer confidence, style, and tight as Snake's tactical suit action made this an instant classic.

Plus who could resist chopping enemies to pieces with the deliciously visceral slow-motion slicing mechanics? Well unfortunately this slowed-down slice n' dice was almost completely ruined by a camera that is clearly piloted by a person with a nervous disposition as half the time it actively pulls away from the action!

Trying to slice specific parts off an enemy while battling the camera made for some infuriating moments, and on higher difficulties resulted in more deaths than I could count. Raiden is used to taking on overwhelming odds, but even one on one scenarios became a handicap match thanks to this Lakitu-style observer that seriously was lacking in tracking.

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