8 Characters You Didn't Realise Secretly Died In Their Own Video Games

5. Link - Legend Of Zelda: Majora’s Mask

Wolfenstein 2

Link is a household name and one of the most beloved video game characters of all time, so when someone told me he died in Majora’s Mask, I told them to crawl back to whatever sub-human pile they came from and to never utter his name again.

But then I pondered (as did Game Theory, included below), and to my annoyance, some stars do appear to align.

Majora’s Mask takes place on Termina, where Link attempts to save the land from an encroaching moon that gets nearer each day, resetting every time he fails.

At game’s start, Link encounters Skull Kid in the Lost Woods, is knocked off his horse Epona, and the theory suggests it’s here Zelda’s heartthrob meets his end.

The five stages of grief are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance, all of which can be interpreted in the five different towns or locations in Termina.

Doubters argue Termina (even the name foreshadows doom, an end to all things) is a parallel world on which nothing has any lasting effect on the series, but that’s too easy an out.


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