8 Controversial Video Games The Industry Was FORCED To Change
7. Thrill Kill

Whilst technically unreleased, leaks of the game have been playable for some time - rendering this one a bizarrely censored title that feels like overkill considering what else is on the market.
Thrill Kill was supposed to be the most controversial game of all time, combining BDSM, dismemberment, loads of gosh dang cursing, and all the genre staples of exploitation into one big fighting mashup, but EA decided to pull the project before it could ever hit shelves to avoid bringing out a 'senselessly violent' game. Then they released Dead Space 2 off the back of it being the most offensive game ever that your mom definitely hates. Make your mind up, guys.
With move types like 'Bitch Slap' and 'Swallow This', the game gained notoriety quickly, and was eagerly shared around when former employees released it despite EA putting a hold on proceedings. Turns out, Thrill Kill is a prime example of the industry not getting it right, since most that played the title complained it really wasn't worth the hype, and they weren't particularly blown away by the Mortal Kombat-aping release, despite its infamous status.
Oh well, at least you can happily clobber people's heads in with a severed leg knowing EA aren't seeing any profits from it.