8 Controversies That Have ALREADY Hurt Cyberpunk 2077

7. Enemies Just Seem Compelled By Addiction

Cyberpunk Transgender Ad

Onto the actual game itself. While there are some more legitimate grievances later in the list, this complaint does feel like a bit of a stretch, especially in isolation.

However, when coupled with some of the other contentious issues, it has garnered some negative press. It probably won’t affect too many peoples’ decisions on whether or not to actually buy the games, but it might diminish their enjoyment.

Or not; we’ve only see a tiny morsel of what CD Projekt Red have to offer, when all’s said and done.

However, the ‘Animals’ were probably the low point of the demo. They’re very generic, bulky antagonists who are only interested in ‘juice’; no real explanation for this is given.

The other villains, the Voodoo Boys, at least had some narrative. V has to work with them initially, and learns they’re obsessed with transcendence: the idea of uploading themselves to cyberspace.

They can give it all the fancy lingo they want, but right now it just feels like two groups compelled by addiction. If that’s the case, it’s way short of The Witcher’s nuance.

The depiction of the Animals and the Haitians have stirred up some controversy on its own too...


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)