8 Creators Who HATED Their Own Video Games

4. Phil Fish - Fez (And Twitter)

Doom Sega Satrun

Phil Fish. Where to begin with this guy? Whatever you think of him as a person, there's no denying that this man's tale of getting the almighty brain bender Fez to market isn't anything short of fascinating. Indie Game: The Movie did an exceptional job of showcasing the trials and tribulations Fish and several other devs faced in getting their titles out there, but many found his tale, in particular, to be of great interest as it showcased a man so determined that it bordered on the dangerous.

His outbursts throughout the piece are from a man who was desperate to succeed, and through it all that's exactly what he did, launching Fez to near-universal acclaim. However, this chip on the shoulder that was showcased was one being burned to cinders from Fish's seeming inability to keep a cool head. Shot after shot was fired on Twitter at those denouncing him or the game in any form, and after a particularly heated exchange on the social media site, he'd had enough.

Fish grabbed his little red cubes and took them home with him, canceling Fez II and renouncing the entire video game industry for a fair old period of time. He's made a comeback of sorts, working on a few projects sporadically in recent years, but there's still no sign of Fez II ever being on the menu again.

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Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.