8 Creators Who HATED Their Own Video Games

3. Steve Escalante - Afro Samurai: 2

Doom Sega Satrun
Versus Evil

A developer calling a game "a failure" is one thing, but removing an entire title from sale, offering refunds and effectively deleting its existence from record is something else entirely.

Such is the case of Afro Samurai 2: Kuma's Revenge, the follow up to the admittedly pretty decent hack n' slash Afro Samurai game, which if I'm being honest, after witnessing this game first hand and being a huge fan of the animated series, was an unmitigated disaster.

The combat felt like you were fighting off the effects of twenty sleeping pills, the story as though it'd been written by asking a five year old to give their thoughts on War and Peace and the graphics, despite being cel-shaded and overtly stylised, somehow looked much worse than the original game. That at least should have been a home run right?

Critics the world over lambasted this game, and to be honest if things had stayed as such it would have just faded into obscurity, but when Steve Escalante and his team decided to mention the title to press during interviews and the fact they had removed it from nearly every platform imaginable, everyone raised an eyebrow.

There's falling on your own sword, and then there's falling onto your own sword while honking a loud clown horn and then sliding into a whole humble pie with eggs on top and mumbling "sorry, nothing to see here" as you drown in the resulting mess of blood and pastry.

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