8 Disastrous Console Upgrades The PS4.5 Must Learn From
6. Nintendo 64DD

The 64DD sounded like a brilliant idea when it was first unveiled back in 1995 (yes, that's before the N64 itself was even released). The 'Dynamic Drive' was to use magnetic-stripped zip-type disks that had a much higher capacity and reading speed than cartridges, and even experimented with various online features such as web browsing and online gaming.
Seeing as the 64DD was meant to be released by the end of 1996, it kind of makes you wonder why Nintendo didn't just include it in the N64 from the start. In the end, the 64DD was released in December 1999, which is basically the year 2000 - three months before the launch of the PlayStation 2.
And that last point pretty much sums it up. The 64DD would've been an excellent - even revolutionary - add-on, had it come out four years sooner, but endless delays meant that it was obscure by the time it got its limited release in Japan.
What the PS4.5 can learn:
If you must bring out a mid-cycle console upgrade, do it quickly, and don't spend four years faffing around.