8 Disastrous Console Upgrades The PS4.5 Must Learn From
7. Sega 32X

32 bits of raw, unadulterated power! That was a pretty big deal in the 90s, though you may associate 32-bit consoles more with the Sega Saturn and particularly the Sony PlayStation rather than this anomalous Genesis add-on.
The 32X was strangely released barely a year before the Saturn, which seemed like a bit of a conflict of interests for Sega. Customers were confused about what exactly it was and whether to buy it, and that wasn't helped by the fact that qualitative differences between games on it and the vanilla Genesis were barely visible.
Its 60-game library mostly featured mildly crispier versions of games that had already come before, though we should tip our hits to the array of comically awful FMV shlockfests that required both the Sega-CD and 32X - Corpse Killer, Night Trap, Fahrenheit, we'll never forget you, much though we wish we could...
What the PS4.5 can learn:
Don't release a console upgrade if your full console is right around the corner.