8 Embarrassing Video Game Moments You Don't Want Anyone Seeing You Play

6. Sonic And Elise Kiss - Sonic '06

Mr Libido

Now, you might be very justified in just stating ANY moment from this utter trainwreck of a title seeing as the blue blur could and very often would fall afoul of one of the myriad of bugs and glitches present. However, possibly even worse than all of these issues that the developer didn't intend to happen is something they very much did, and that is hands down the moment when Sonic and Princess Elise share a kiss.

The moment in question is far more ridiculous than just the kiss though, for the set up is needlessly dark and sombre. After all, Sonic has just DIED and all his friends are gathered around in mourning, hoping and praying that Elise's utterly terribly dialogue and delivery will bring him back to life.

When all appears to be lost, Elise does the one thing no one saw coming and plants a big smacker on his lips. I want you to look at Knuckles here. He is thinking,"Dude what the f**k is going on?"

You and me both mate. God, I'd rather be stuck inside a wall than watch this

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