8 Embarrassing Video Game Moments You Don't Want Anyone Seeing You Play

1. Watching Your Parents Have Sex - South Park: Stick Of Truth

Mr Libido
Obsidian Entertainment

Surprisingly on the list of things that I would NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES EVER want to witness, watching my parents make the beast with two backs is right on up there at the top along with putting down a puppy with a brick, and watching Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull again.

Yet here we are, trying to return to normal size after being shrunk by the dastardly Underpants Gnomes, now being subjected to the horrifying image of our protagonist's dad railing their mum like he was seconds away from death and the only thing keeping him alive was this act. For anyone unlucky enough to have ever heard or walked in on their parents in real life, this scene will tear down the mental barriers you've built up and be the new waking nightmare of your day to day.

And yet, this experience can be made even worse, as you end up fighting your own dad's testicles in a later fight. Also you can, if you have the stones, watch your parents for an extended period of time to unlock a trophy. However, just remember: gamerscore doesn't pay therapy bills.

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