8 EXACT Moments We Gave Up On 100% Video Game Completion

5. When DLC Ruins Your Streak - Nearly Every Modern Game


While we're on the bandwagon of complaining about being defeated before the battle has even begun, quite possibly even worse is when video games actively snatch your prior full completion away from you after you've already got it.

Thanks to the current nature of the industry, video games are routinely updated via expansions, live events, and copius amounts of DLC, and as such become titles that evolve accorss the course of their lives. Now from a player perspective this is somewhat of a boon, that the games they love are being supported for longer and usually allows them access to new and interesting featuries that keep the experience fresh.

However from a completion hunter standpoint this is a nightmare, as with each expansion it's quite likely that this means a slew of new acheivements will be added to the game for them to tick off. I can only imagine the frustation felt by those looking for perfect scores see the gap widen, especially if it's in a DLC they have no interest in playing.

Therefore you end up in a weird scenario where some titles effectively paywall one hundred percent runs, thus dooming many to never see that glorious platinum pop.

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Rock Band 2
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