8 EXACT Moments We Gave Up On 100% Video Game Completion

6. Reading The Seriously Achievement Description - Gears Of War


Sometimes the barrier to achieving 100% in a video game is as simple as cracking open the list of trophies bundled with the game and taking a look at the requirements to complete them, and above all else, the absolute boner-killer to end all boner-killer moments for many fans of the Gears of War franchise came when reading about the "Seriously" achievement.

This gimmick achievement, which has seen countless iterations across the franchise, might as well have been titled "you're only going to get this if you play this game religiously for the next year or so" basically strongarming all casual players out of the one hundred percent conversation, which is a true shame, to be honest.

There's nothing worse than plugging through a game and seeing achievements pop only for each one to remind you that you'll likely never complete this game 100% thanks to one or two absolute bastard requirements.

Making matters worse, with the "Seriously" achievement line, the requirements to unlock later versions got even harder, to the point where those that did pop them weren't held aloft by fellow gamers basking in their bragging rights, they were actively mocked for utterly wasting their time!

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