8 EXACT Moments We Gave Up On 100% Video Game Completion

1. Completing Every Character's Sphere Grid - Final Fantasy X

Square Enix

The Sphere Grid: A brilliant idea on paper, but a completionist's nightmare in practice.

This leveling-up mechanic centered around positing characters on a monstrous connecting maze, with each level-up you acquired allowing you to purchase powers, spells, and attribute buffs.

Yet, what was pure genius about The Sphere Grid was that even though each character was placed in an area that would give them skills relevant to their recommended playstyles, gamers could totally ignore these and move out into other areas of the grid, getting them to learn spells and skills you normally would never expect!

This freedom of choice was a breath of fresh air for the series, but it also present a problem. As with each and every node filled, some players began to see the pieces fall into place, that 100% could never be claimed until the entire grid was completely filled.

As you can imagine, for the average gamer this was a challenge far too great, and arguably far too pointless to chase, yet for those that committed fully, it was entirely possible.

So the next time someone tells you they 100%'d Final Fantasy X, ask them about the Sphere Grid, and if they begin to sweat, tear up and shake, then you can accept their claim as true.

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