8 Fake Game Over Screens You Must See

1. Donkey Kong Country

Donkey Kong Country

First off, What a game. DKC might well be one of the most perfect platformers in existence and easily one of the most enjoyable experiences one can have monkeying around with a mate. However, there was a little twist to the final fight of the game that might have meant caused a few players to go ape.

I’m speaking of course about the final fight with King K. Rool, which at first seems like an absolute cakewalk. After all, you just jump on his bonce a few times and the fat oaf falls over, leaving all those beautiful bananas up for grabs once more.

The credits begin to roll and you likely pop down the controller thinking “oh ok then. Well it wasn’t a great fight but at least he’s been turned into some nice boots”.

Yet that’s when it happens, you suddenly realise that there’s something wrong with these credits as I doubt heavily that Klump came up with the concept of the game. My word, it’s a fake!

And so the second act of the battle begins, this time with more challenge (slightly), and therefore ending with a bit more of a bang. It’s a great rug pull that elicited a goril-lol from me, even if it was pretty ridiculous.


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