8 Fake Game Over Screens You Must See

2. Kingdom Hearts 3

kingdom hearts 3
Square Enix

Light and Dark, Life and Death, A story and no one really knowing what the game is on about, these are all qualities of the Kingdom Hearts franchise and yet, despite it’s often strange approach to storytelling, this is a series that has endured because of it’s brilliant character design and evolving combat.

As you can imagine, with Kingdom Hearts 3 being the final chapter in the trilogy, the stakes are raised to almost Everest high levels come the closing act, with the very concept of existence at stake and our heroes desperately trying to battle Xehanort and his malevolent forces. Which makes the choice to have a fake game over screen appears all the more tense, mainly because it occurs, just like Matteso586 tells us, “During the final boss”

That’s right, even as you’re fighting several forms of Xehanort and in different areas the game pulls a fast one on you by having a laser seemingly KO the party. As Sora hangs in the darkness you immediately think it’s a game over, as after all, this is the exact same pose we see on a regular game over screen.

Yet as luck would have it, this is just a ruse and the player can restart the hero’s heart and get back into the battle once more.

Still, for a while this was pretty tense seeing as the battles thus far had been getting increasingly more and more difficult.


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