8 Fallout Companions With Surprisingly Dark Pasts

2. Myron - Fallout 2

Fallout 3

When it comes to villainous companions in the Fallout series, one really has to look no further than Myron.

A teenage science prodigy living in Reno, Myron turned his attention to the creation of illicit substances and claims to be the inventor of the common wasteland drug Jet. Myron created the substance for the Mordino crime family, with the purpose of creating a community of addicts, dependant on the family for their supply.

If creating a highly-addictive substance solely used to leave people reliant on the whims of an organised crime family wasn't bad enough, Myron used the benefits his scientific talents afforded him to terrorise the prostitutes in his local area.

While the Chosen One can recruit Myron if they play to his ego, the teenager will actually drug and rape the player character if they are female and have low enough intelligence skill.

Ultimately, following the canonical events of Fallout 2, Myron is stabbed to death by a Jet addict while drinking at a bar. A fittingly unceremonious end for one of the Fallout series' most reprehensible characters.

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