8 Fallout Companions With Surprisingly Dark Pasts

3. Jericho - Fallout 3

Fallout 3

Jericho is likely the first potential human companion that the Lone Wanderer will encounter in Fallout 3, thanks to his residence in Megaton.

When the player approaches Jericho he will explain that in his younger years he had been a raider, travelling the wastes killing and pillaging to his heart's content, before settling down in Megaton and helping protect the town from would-be attackers.

If the player gains access to the locked terminal in Moriarty's Saloon an entry seems to also suggest that Jericho had previously attempted to rape Jenny Stahl, owner of the Brass Lantern, at gunpoint. A fact which Moriarty claims he will publicise if Jericho gets on the wrong side of him.

With Jericho's nefarious history as a raider in mind, the Lone Wanderer has to have evil karma and provide 1000 caps for his supplies in order to hire Jericho as a travelling companion.

Interestingly, the player can massacre everyone in Megaton and Jericho will not become hostile, but if they so much as scathe the town's brahmin he will instantly open fire.

But then who would expect a raider to have consistent morals...

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Adrian Bishop hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.