8 Fatal Flaws That Stop Nier Automata Being A Masterpiece

2. Underwritten Characters Lessen The Emotional Intensity

Nier Automata

Just like its predecessory, Nier Automata has a knack for making you care about its characters. Whether it's the headstrong 2B or her naive partner 9S, the weird personalities and unique designs of these androids make for some of the most memorable characters in recent memory.

However the problem is that their motivations turn on a dime. It's difficult to know where any one person stands on any specific topic, a problem which makes the story increasingly convoluted as it moves into the heavier and more abstract material.

Also the writing at times can be just plain infuriating. As an example, much of the last act is driven on a misunderstanding, and it's frustrating to see drama played out for hours and hours that could be solved if the main characters just sat down and had a chat with each other.

It's a shame, because when they're fully realised these characters are some of the most memorable protagonists in a long time. Their development can provoke genuine surprise, and narrative twists constantly pull at the heartstrings. It's just that these elements would have been elevated to an even higher level with a touch more insight into who these characters actually are.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3