8 Fatal Flaws That Stop Nier Automata Being A Masterpiece

1. It's Too Similar To The Original Nier

Nier Automata

Warning: Some spoilers to follow.

The most frustrating thing about this latest Nier, however, is that just about everything - both good and bad - can be found in the original game. Repetitive fetch quests? Check. Dodgy characterisation? Check. Boring fishing mini-games? Check. These are probably all recognisable brand staples by now, but times have changed since 2010, and it seems as though Automata has refused to change with it.

Even then though, it's not the fact that the game didn't properly address the flaws of its predecessor that's the real kicker here - it's that the developers were content to also directly remake the first release's greatest successes. From the shocking ability to have your save permanently wiped to a brilliant twist about the fate of humanity, a lot of Automata's most memorable surprises were just re-purposed and re-packaged moments from the first game.

Sure, these ideas are probably implemented better in this sequel than they were in the original, and some fans will no doubt love how much it riffs on those elements in a Metal Gear Solid 2 sort of way, but the similarity makes you wish they could have done something a bit more radical this time around.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3