8 Forgotten Video Games That Should Be Revived

3. Perfect Dark

Skate game

Last Release - Perfect Dark (2010)

Nintendo's decision to not acquire Rare outright is even more baffling when you consider that they are also the studio responsible for Perfect Dark. Originally conceived as a follow-up to GoldenEye themed around the subsequent Tomorrow Never Dies Bond film, the concept evolved into an original one with an immersive single-player experience orientated around protagonist Joanna Dark.

As with GoldenEye, the game's true selling point was its multiplayer modes. Traditional co-op and deathmatches were supplemented by the likes of Capture The Flag, King Of The Hill and a mode that enabled one player to take control of Joanna whilst the other took charge of the enemies she faced.

All but the latter eventually made their way into the humour-focused Timesplitters series, which was developed predominantly by Rare employees that worked on Perfect Dark following Microsoft's acquisition of the studio.

As with Banjo, Microsoft were slow to capitalise on their newly-acquired property, only releasing a follow-up (a prequel) in 2005. A sequel to the original has never materialised, with an enhanced 2010 remake being all that fans have been given to savour since.

You do have to wonder how different things would've been had Nintendo maintained control of Rare (Joanna and Banjo would certainly be characters in Super Smash Bros for one!), particularly given that they lack a first-person shooter property to complement their original offerings in other genres.

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Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.