8 Gameplay Sections That Nearly Killed Amazing Video Games
6. Nightmare Levels - Max Payne
When you think of Max Payne, chances are you think of slow-motion bullet-time dives through the air, intense firefights and a man whose face looks like a puckered anus.
You likely don't think of platforming sections.
Yet to the hardcore set that saw the original Max Payne through to completion, even mentioning the term "platforming" will likely cause them to break out into a nervous sweat. This is because the "Nightmare" sections of this game were exactly that, an odorous dump on the otherwise chaotic experience that forced players to follow trails of blood across invisible platforms or risk falling to instant death.
None of the experience was fun, and while I'm sure the devs would argue that this isn't meant to be an enjoyable moment, the abject torture it places on the player is enough to leave them sleepless for many moons to come. Thankfully the series never again diverted from the formula that worked so well in the original, and kept the only blood trails you'd see to the rooms you'd just cleared out in an overtly violent fashion.