8 Gaming Easter Eggs You Won't Believe

1. Grand Theft Auto IV - Heart of Liberty City


This easter egg is so ridiculous, so unbelievably weird that the fact that most people don't know about it astounds me. If the player takes a helicopter to the Statue of Happiness in Liberty City, they can walk through a door with plaques that read "No Hidden Content This Way" on either side. What follows is pretty unforgettable. After climbing a huge ladder up through the torso of Lady Liberty herself, the player finds a red-tinted chamber containing a massive, beating heart suspended by chains. What makes this easter egg different is the fact that it's not only weird and out of place, but it's also downright disturbing. Why is it there? Why is it chained up? Who knows! It's weird! That's all for this list of unexpected easter eggs in video games. Conversation is welcome in the comments section below. Thanks for reading!
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Easter Eggs
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Eller likes a lot of old video games, and some new video games. Follow him on Twitter (@JordanEller) for updates about articles, but mostly silly jokes.