8 Gaming Heroes You Didn't Realise Actually Killed Innocents

1. Ezio Auditore - Assassin's Creed: Revelations

While Altair was the one who set up the Assassin's Creed franchise, Ezio was the one who became its heart. Assassin's Creed II blew everyone, even fans of the first game, away with its improved gameplay, stronger story, and romanticized setting. However, none of this would have mattered if we weren't given a strong, likeable protagonist, and luckily that happened with Ezio. What made him different from Altair was that we actually grew up with him, seeing him transition from a playboy to the leader of the Assassin Order while still retaining that undeniable charm. We stayed with him through the sequel, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, and while it was great it revealed some strains present in yearly release format the series had adopted. Those strains grew in the next game, Assassin's Creed: Revelations, which saw an older Ezio try and solve the mysteries left behind by Altair centuries ago. During the storyline, Ezio's accidental assassination of a wrong man may have spurred some fans wrong, but surprisingly another major incident the Mentor deliberately causes went above a lot of people's heads. In one of the later sequences, Ezio finds himself in a hidden city called Derinkuyu built within a mountain where, to drive the Templars out into the open, he ignites the city's large supply of gunpowder, causing a massive amount of smoke to flood the cave. As players will note, it's not possible to escape the place without using some insta-heal medicine. Not only that, but you have to use your Eagle Sense to find your way out, or risk getting stuck elsewhere. Since the majority of the citizens lacked both resources, it's safe to say that Ezio caused a lot of innocent civilians to die during that mission. Do any other characters deserve to be named and shamed on this list? Share your own picks below in the comments thread.

Red Stewart is big fan of the entertainment industry, with insights into film, television, and video games for starters. Despite growing up in the 21st century's era of modernization, he prefers many retro era ideas over the current trends found in many of today's media. Personally he's an introvert who loves reading as much as gaming.