8 Gaming Heroes You Didn’t Realise Probably Died Horrible Deaths
1. The Dragonborn - Skyrim

Bethesda's all-conquering, game-doubter-converting masterpiece Skyrim proved to longtime gamers and newcomers alike that a rich world full of fresh experiences could be one of the most fun adventures any could undertake. You all journeyed far and wide to take on everything from sun-blocking dragons to secret vampire clans, all the while becoming stronger and more rich with a take-all-comers purpose, glorified in the faux-religious garblings of the Greybeards as you Fus-Ro-Dah'd any who opposed over the horizon.
Hang on a minute though...
Along the way one of the biggest decisions you made was choosing to align yourself with either the Alliance or the Stormcloaks, and although there's no real righteous choice (both are rampant with moral quandaries once you get stuck in), you've still become a symbol for the rebellion against whichever side you did not choose. And that's besides making yourself the enemy of every bandit encampment, troll-infestation, underground uprising or IQ-infused demon seed along the way.
Come the end of Skyrim you're the most well-known many in all of Morrowind, and if the remaining thousand of enemies don't manage to drag you down once you eventually succumb to the inevitable Dragonwheeze, the very fact that the imbalance of factional disputes throughout the land was tipped in such a violent way means come the next uprising you'll have an entire hemisphere's worth of punters baying for your dragon-summoning blood.
Any more you guys can think of? Obviously with this all in good fun you can take it anywhere from Pac-Man's onset obesity through munching twinkie-like 'pills' all day, to Sonic's crippling ring addiction ensuring he's more likely to tweak himself into a spike pit than join Tales for a jog. (Oh and if you're fuming because the Dark Souls entry wasn't spot on, please enlighten us, as that game's lore is incredibly interpretational).