8 Genius Ideas Wasted On Bad Video Games

7. Joy Pills - We Happy Few

Crackdown Cloud
Compulsion Games

We Happy Few takes place in an alternate 1960s dystopia where the residents of Wellington Wells are hooked on a pacifying hallucinogenic drug, Joy, which leaves them blissfully unaware of what's really happening in the world.

And this is also the game's defining mechanic - you're free to pop Joy pills throughout, causing the stark dystopia to morph into a colourful, cheerful environment, where you have decidedly sunnier interactions with others.

Meanwhile deciding not to conform and weaning yourself off Joy will show the village as it is actually is - drab and depressing. You'll also be met with hostile responses from the locals and coppers alike, and suffer Joy withdrawal which will affect your health.

This is all conceptually terrific, so it's a shame that the game as a whole can't sustain interest for long. 

The world is surprisingly bland and empty, the gameplay loop is too repetitive, and it's absolutely rife with bugs.

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Crackdown 3
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.