8 Genius Ideas Wasted On Bad Video Games

6. Modular Weapon Customisation - Homefront: The Revolution

Crackdown Cloud

Don't feel bad if you don't even remember that a second Homefront game quietly slid onto storefronts in 2016, because it was a big fat nothingburger - well, almost.

Though neither the story nor the characters made even the slightest dent and both its gunplay and stealth were mediocre-at-best, Homefront: The Revolution had one killer idea going for it - modular weapon customisation.

Because the occupying Korean People's Army (KPA) have fingerprint-locked guns, the resistance forces can't use them, and so you're instead forced to get crafty in order to amass an arsenal.

That is to say, the guns on offer are modular, allowing you to make functional changes on-the-fly in the heat of combat. A shotgun can quickly be modified to become automatic, and universal attachments can be added to basically any weapon.

This allowed players to make some truly wacky weapon combos, like a grenade launcher with a massive scope. 

It's just a shame that the moment-to-moment gunplay didn't actually feel particularly good, because this freedom-loving approach to the player's loadout was absolutely first-rate.

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Crackdown 3
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.