8 Genius Ideas Wasted On Bad Video Games

4. Leveling Up Body Parts - Hybrid Heaven

Crackdown Cloud

Time for a mega deep cut now, with the profoundly Marmite experience - love it or hate it - that is Hybrid Heaven.

Released on the N64 in 1999, this utterly bewildering genre-bending outing from Konami was basically a garish yet occasionally creative car crash of RPG and action-adventure game.

This is a game whose real-time combat system allowed you to perform wrestling moves on your alien enemies, because why the hell not? But what truly distinguishes it from its genre rivals? Its enticingly peculiar leveling system.

Hybrid Heaven had separate progression for your legs, arms, and head, meaning they level up at different rates depending on how much each limb is used during combat. The more you use a body part, the more awesome moves you'll unlock for it.

This system added a unique air of strategy to battles, yet for all the game's eccentricity, Hybrid Heaven's repetitive environments, low enemy variety, and clunky movement still made it an absolute slog to get through.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.