8 Genius Ideas Wasted On Bad Video Games

3. Memory Remixing - Remember Me

Crackdown Cloud

The ironically monikered Remember Me came and went in a blip in 2013, with most dismissing it for its jumbled story and uninvolving gameplay - that is, save for the game's ingenious Memory Remix sequences.

Protagonist Nilin possesses the ability to enter a person's memories and alter their perception of past events. 

These set-pieces, of which there precious few throughout the game, are the easy highlight - effectively interactive cinematic puzzles in which you need to reconfigure memories for your benefit.

Sadly these segments too often take a backseat to generic combat and platforming, effectively feeling like a prototype for another type of game entirely. 

Developer Dontnod of course went on to bigger and better things with the Life is Strange series, but it's a shame they've never returned to the Memory Remix concept in a new title, because it's the only part of this game you're actually likely to remember today.

In this post: 
Crackdown 3
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.