8 Genius Video Games That Caught You Being Unfaithful

6. The Sims

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Fans of The Sims have experimented multiple times with its various A.I. scripts, to see if the Sims themselves would ever catch onto something like their spouses cheating.

In The Sims 4, EA finally added some consequence to all of this - which considerably snowball if you provide a little nudge. As user claritysf found out, following one of their happily married Sims randomly making out with another person, said Sim developed a drinking problem to cope with the guilt of betraying her husband's trust.

From there, and in the name of science, claritysf made the kiss happen again right in front of the husband, only for him to lash out violently, before soon the children were witnessing the ensuing row, and divorce papers were being signed left, right and centre.

Claritysf's little town was never the same again.

Drowning Sims and trapping them amongst plantpots until they sh*t themselves to death is one thing, but there are some things they just can't come back from...

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