8 Great Gaming Urban Legends You Probably Missed

6. Fallout 3 Predicts The Future?


Fallout 3, like Skyrim, is a vast open world role playing game, and as such, there are still things that many people have yet to discover. One thing that has allegedly been discovered however is that there is something in the game that may predict the future. The story goes that the game predicts the future of the real world, using Morse code and hidden messages within the game's radio station. There are stations that broadcast nothing but Morse code, but some claim that you can hear a DJ on the station pumping out phrases as €œThe Queen has died today. The world mourns, as on days like these we are all Brits€ and €œI can't believe Britney€™s actually won an Oscar!€ These phrases are followed by a series of numbers in Morse Code that can be interpreted as dates and times. 04: 02 March 19, 2014 for the former, 21:33 February 27, 2023 for the latter. Bethdesa, the company that designed the game, denies that these cryptic radio stations exist. Other claims in the game include the 2010 BP oil spill: €œNine-four-five-four-two-zero-two-zero-one-zero. Accident in the gulf, several dead. Oil spill apparently averted.€ The discoverer realized this was the BP explosion and the erroneous day-one assessment that the well was not leaking. The game also references the death of Gary Coleman - €œone-two-five-five-two-eight-two-zero-one-zero. What you talkin€™ €˜bout? You€™ll be missed." - the game was released a full year before Gary Coleman's death. Spooky huh? This is still seen as another video game hoax, but is a very interesting one. The vague nature of messages such as the following will ensure that one will be around for some time.
€œI can€™t believe they've actually done it. Not long left. They were warned, but they just had to keep pushing the boundaries of science. The noise. I can€™t take the noise anymore. And the light, dear God! The universe is slowly unravelling around us. I€™m not going to wait for death. I have a pistol in the attic.€
To round this up, the latest date on any of the messages is 1:27 July 6, 2027. I guess we will have to wait and see what happens.
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Roman Historian, computer nerd, Freelance Journalist, Podcaster, Star Wars Fanboy, and a Sci-fi/Horror über fan with a soft spot for awesomely terrible films. Host of the weekly Wrestleview International Desk radio show on WViDesk.com. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @DarraghWV.