8 Greatest Video Game Second Chances

2. Ace Combat 7

Dead island 2
Bandai Namco

As a man with a perpetual fear of flying the Ace Combat games has never really stuck out as a series for me.

Something about being shot out of the air and then plummeting to the ground at speed just doesn't sit well for some insane reason.

That being said, I can most definitely appreciate the appeal of these games, as the Ace Combat games have carved out a niche within the industry for those that love smashing the sound barrier with a huge assortment of fighter jets and who love to flex their tactical mental muscles as they take on challenging AI enemies. It's a series known for its granular approach to jet customization and of biding your time just waiting for that one moment to strike.

This is why Ace Combat Assault Horizon really stood out like a sore thumb to many, and a raging middle finger to much of the fanbase, as this game was none of these things.

Assault Horizon is a game that Michael Bay likely has a picture of in his wallet that he looks at and sighs lovingly over before then exploding, as this was an over-the-top octane thrill ride that ditched the brains in favor of the bombs. Hell, they even turned what was once a balletic engagement between aircraft into a pseudo-on-the-rails shooter thanks to it's simplified Dogfight mechanic. This was a game designed with the many in mind but isolated the hardcore few that had sustained the series for so long.

Thankfully Ace Combat 7 arrived on the scene some years later and added in layers of nuance to the combat while keeping the things that worked from Assault Horizon aka the outstanding graphics and kickass soundtrack.

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Dead Island 2
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