8 Greatest Video Game Second Chances

1. Devil May Cry 3

Dead island 2

While there has never been a truly awful Devil May Cry video game (c'mon even DMC had stellar action and you're kidding yourself if you think otherwise), Devil May Cry 2 is still a rather sore subject amongst the fanbase and it's not hard to see why.

Coming off the back of the literal game-changer that was Devil May Cry, Capcom strode out onto its balcony and looked over the piles of money and adoration being lavished upon them, turned to see the praise Hideki Kamiya and his team had garnered, nodded to themselves and said: "Thanks, now f**k off".

In other words, commissioning a sequel but not the team that made it was a rather boneheaded move, to say the least, and it was unfortunately just the start of things to come, as the sequel took all the charm, personality, and fun of its central cast and ground them face first into "pre-James Gunn DCEU grit". Defenders would say the tone is "darker", to the rest of us though we'd call it "more boring than listening to a presentation on wet cement hosted by an actual bag of cement"

Thankfully this impenetrable foundation was cracked open by the joyous return to form that was Devil May Cry 3, which did away with all the dour and doubled down on the demon-slaying, and reinstating a tongue in cheek swagger that you could feel it licking your ears. This was Capcom all but apologizing for wasting your time with DMC2's lukewarm action and high school drama club acting, as here it was all about the fun with no frills attached.

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Dead Island 2
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