8 Hardest Gears Of Wars Bosses

6. General Karn - Gears Of War: Judgment

Lambent Berserker

Before we go any further, there's simply not enough love out there for Gears of War: Judgment. It's a really fun game sadly overshadowed by the trilogy that came before it. The game may place more emphasis on an arcade style of play, but it's a tight, fast paced game which had some really fun multiplayer, even without horde mode. However, one of the highlights of Judgment was its omnipresent boss, and one of the most ruthless locust any Gear faced.

General Karn and his mount Shibboleth were a formidable foe at the climax of Judgment. Erupting from the ground of the Plaza of the Tyran Dead, Karn and his pet charged around the grounds, turning cover into rubble as you try and kill him. Like many boss battles, Karn isn't alone and you'll find yourself fending off waves of locusts including Maulers swinging their weapons like wrecking balls.

As if fighting Karn wasn't hard enough already, with Shibboleth scurrying around the map like a rampaging spider, its equipped with mulchers and he carries a damn Boltock. How many weapons does a boss need?

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Avid writer of nonsense. Can often be seen in his natural habitat watching far too many films and not enough TV. Occasionally plays on the Xbox and Megadrive whilst chastising himself for not writing more.