8 Hardest Gears Of Wars Bosses

5. Lambent Berserker - Gears Of War 3

Lambent Berserker
The Coalition

No matter how difficult some of the boss battles that are coming up on this list are, few if any of them are as gruelling as this boss on Insane. By this point in the franchise you've faced off against a couple of Berserkers already, usually with a Hammer of Dawn in tow, and the pattern to beat them is straight forward. This time however, when those locust beasts turn lambent, there is no such luxury.

Following the epic battle of Anvil Gate the game's designers clearly felt they needed to add an even bigger challenge. Cue the Lambent Berserker jumping over the walls of Anvil Gate with ease, and forcing you into a close quarters fight with a monster twice your size.

Initially, the Lambent Berserker is as straightforward as a normal Berserker fight. It charges you down, you dodge it, then lancer the crap out of its glowing chest as its ribcage opens up. Rinse and repeat. Simple, right? Wrong. On Insane, if you get hit by the charge, you're dead. Then you have those damn deadly imulsion streams lingering behind the Berserker wherever it goes, cutting off escape paths, and downing you should you be foolish enough to cross them. What was once a game of cat and mouse, becomes a strategic game of tag on a map that gets very claustrophobic.

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Avid writer of nonsense. Can often be seen in his natural habitat watching far too many films and not enough TV. Occasionally plays on the Xbox and Megadrive whilst chastising himself for not writing more.