8 Hotly-Anticipated 2018 Video Games (That Will Get Delayed)

7. Crackdown 3

Crackdown 3

Crackdown 3 is in trouble. Announced all the way back in 2015, the Xbox One exclusive was sold almost entirely on its embracement of cloud technology, allowing the developers to create a fully-destructible world for players to cause mayhem in.

However, since that initial reveal the game has gone dark, with the studio going back on their original claims about environmental destruction, stating that part of the experience would only be limited to certain modes and won't be as prevalent as it was initially expected to be.

Re-revealed last year with a November 7th 2017 date (alongside the Xbox One X), the game was once again pushed to an unspecified Spring 2018 window without much of an explanation, and information has been light on the ground ever since.

At this point, with very little info out there in the wild as to what form the game is going to take, it's difficult to see Crackdown showing up any time soon. And if it does, it's even more difficult to see it being any good.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3