8 Imposing Video Game Bosses (That Secretly Suck)

7. Electrocutioner - Batman Arkham Origins

Electrocutioner arkham
Warner Bros. Games Montreal

With a name like The Electrocutioner you've got to be impressive right? After all, it's literally implying you execute people with electricity, that's badass! And when Arkham: Origins revealed that you would be taking on this livewire toe to toe, the voltage was turned up in our hearts with excitement and expectations.

This series has given us some of the best boss battles of the age in the form of Mr Freeze and the memorable Scarecrow encounters, and when Lester Buchinsky steps up to the plate in the opening hours of Origins, supercharges the arena and delivers a WWE style promo before the battle begins, the atmosphere was indeed electric.

And then it's over. Oh. OK, then?

Yes that's right: Lester the Unlikely over here is made to look a right goose by Juicy Bruce in just one move, ending the fight before it even began to amp up. And that's not even the worst of it as the writers clearly had a disdain for the character and offed him via the Black Mask reveal as he had "nothing to offer". Batman even stuck the boot in further by stating that "a child could have avoided that attack". Ouch.

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Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.