8 Incredibly Weird Stats Video Games Keep Track Of

5. Suspended - How Many People Your Machines Have Mangled

Fallout Corpse

Suspended is a... rather bleak text-based video game developed by Infocom in 1983, and places you in charge of the food, transport, and weather of an entire settlement. However, before you think you're going to be having fun playing god over the populace, the game quickly informs you that all three machines that control said aspects of the settlement have all been damaged and now it's your job to try and keep these meat-filled plates a'spinnin'

Oh, and you're also an unlucky soul that's been forcibly plugged into a computer to manage all of these issues. The robots that you control to help you fix the machines can only do ONE SPECIFIC TASK EACH and just to add even more tension to the mix, the previous human battery is on his way to unplug you and destroy your machines.

Good. No, please. Hurt me more.

Every move you make is often punctuated by failure and is tracked lovingly by the game, which tells you how many people your machines have mangled when you accidentally turn a crank to 80 percent rather than 75. A lot of games track the dead much in the same way that Abe's Oddysee does, but here, every move you make sees the death toll rise.

I don't need to see it so often, thank you! I'm aware I suck!

Also, never play this game on Impossible mode, as it is LITERALLY impossible and will end after three turns as the sun explodes. Have fun.

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