8 Incredibly Weird Stats Video Games Keep Track Of

4. Distracting Robots With Cigarettes - Vanquish

Fallout Corpse
Platinum Games

OK, not going to lie, this one is just very very cool.

As you all might be aware by now, I ADORE Vanquish and its foot to the floor over the top action spectacle speed. The plot might be absolute guff and the acting so corny that The Green Giant wants a piece, but it's incredible setpieces, unique traversal mechanics and utterly insane atmosphere make it a truly memorable piece of gaming.

In fact, did you know that each bullet that's been fired by you or the enemy can actually be seen when you use slow motion? That's utterly ludicrous when you consider the amount of ammo being unloaded in nearly every section. It's clear that Shinji Mikami was keen on making everything feel as accurate as possible and it's equally clear this attention to detail also influenced a cheeky achievement you could unlock.

Protagonist Sam Gideon is a HEAVY smoker. In nearly every scene he's lighting up death sticks like his lungs are about to get repossessed and he's not planning on getting his security deposit back, and it turns out the player can also use his addiction for a tactical advantage.

When in cover the player can light a cigarette and toss it away from him. The robots who are programmed to crush/kill/destroy, react to heat, and so focus fire on that butt while allowing Sam to open fire and hand them their own. Kill two robots with one distraction and you net a trophy, and bamboozle ten of them and you'll net another one. Nice of the game to keep track of when 'smoking kills' applies twice over.

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