8 Infuriating Video Game Prank Callers

4. Prank Calling The Citadel - Mass Effect

One of the most impressive things about the Mass Effect series is that for almost the entire experience that choices no matter how small carried weight and consequence with them. You could choose to play the series as a straight laced iteration of Shepard or go down and dirty as a rogue with a win at all costs mentality.

And playing as this renegade version of the Normandy captain provided some of the most enjoyable reactions and statements in the entire franchise. From dropping people off buildings to knocking out reporters all the way to acting like an ass to the Council across the series through the medium of the holodeck.

Here Shepherd could not only end the calls early which would prompt an immediate chastising from the Council the next time they spoke but best of all you could get Joker to keep hailing them and then hang up on them straight away. There's a lot to be said about a captain that decides to call and drop while the entire fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance, and you know what, I'm pretty sure none of what would be said would be pleasant. Shout out to the fact that they continued this running gag throughout and Joker would even comment in Mass Effect 3 that you should dial up the Council and hang up "just like old times"

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