8 Insane Video Game Secrets That Made You Say WHAT?!

5. Resident Evil 4 Plays YOU

silent hills pt

I think it goes without saying, but Resident Evil 4 truly is one of the horror genre's all-time classics. The tongue-in-cheek tone, the wonderful enemy designs, and of course Leon's Funeral For A Friend Fringe are just absolute *chef's kiss*.

Completing this Holy Trinity of a title comes the outstanding gameplay, which not only shifted the action to an over-the-shoulder perspective but also presented a brilliant bit of fine-tuning that many players wouldn't even notice.

Whereas "Adaptive Difficulty" isn't exactly a new idea in the grand scheme of things, titles like God Hand promote this feature proudly on the box, Resident Evil 4 on the other hand never makes mention of this feature at all.

In a move that attempts to cater to player skill without ever making them aware of it, Resi 4 scales its enemy aggressiveness, placement, item drops, and even damage dealt and received depending on how well the player is doing.

If a person is struggling through with a tiny bit of health then it's likely that enemies will be slightly more docile to give them a chance to heal up, or intentionally miss a shot in order to act as a wake-up call to their current state.

Inversely if the player is carrying more guns than even The Matrix could load in, and is more stocked up with green than a pharmacy run by Snoop Dogg, enemies will be far more aggressive, even tanking a few extra shots to drain their reserves and reset the scale.

Clever, right?

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Silent Hills
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