8 MORE Video Game Anti-Piracy Measures That Were Total Genius

You can TRY and steal our game, but we'll know. And we'll punish you for it.

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Nobody likes a video game pirate, with the possible exception of Elaine Marley, and down the years, developers have done their utmost to impede, obstruct and otherwise punish stingy players who've stolen their wares.

The majority of methods take very basic forms: password protection, DRM, or simply not running without a disk. But there are occasions when, fed up with their good work being unwelcomely pro bono, developers have inserted craftily cruel means to get their own back on would-be digital corsairs.

Whether its smearing petroleum jelly all over your screen, pixelating the entire game, or leaving you with more bacon than a butchers, a whole host of coders have been able to at least have a good ol' chuckle at the expense of their light-fingered nemeses.

Don't steal games! You just might just wind up in pirate jail for real.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.