8 More Video Game Difficulty Levels For The Criminally Insane

7. Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix Critical Mode

Kingdom Hearts 2 Sephiroth
Square Enix

When you first learn of the Final Mix version of Kingdom Hearts 2 then your heart might well soar as it’s a ressiued version of the second game but with tonnes of new bonus content. Why wouldn’t you want to own the most complete experience of arguably the best game in the franchise?

Well maybe because within it’s very being exists a code written by Hades himself, and not the cutesy James Woods version. The Critical Mode of Final Mix 2 is easily the hardest difficulty setting in the game which forces you to take on enemies that do double damage you get 75% less experience than usual meaning that you are always on the back foot throughout the game and worst of all you have to do this with HALF HEALTH. It’s a bloody nightmare.

Plus we all know how long this game is, taking a huge amount of time even to get through on the regular setting, so now imagine trying to do all of this but with skin like paper and the strength of...well...wet paper.

Honestly the plot of this franchise overall is easier to understand than why anyone would want to put themselves through this.


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