8 More Video Games That Totally Wasted Their Biggest Selling Point

1. Hicks Being Alive - Aliens: Colonial Marines

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Gearbox Software

In the whole backlash after Aliens: Colonial Marines misled players with dodgy trailers and delivered a game that barely functioned, what didn't receive the ire it deserved was just how much the developers botched the canonical story they were handed.

In the rare position to tell a new story set between Aliens and Alien 3, the pre-release hype focused on Michael Biehn's Corporal Hicks, with the story apparently going to delve into how he actually survived and how his "dead" body ended up with Ripley in the third film.

Hicks did turn up, of course, but the explanation was piss-poor, and the story probably would have been better if he wasn't there at all. His plot was slapdash at best and insulting at worst, taking an iconic character and absolutely wasting him in a plot that was supposed to be official canon.

Of course, this was all on top of the devs promising a tense first-person shooter experience where you had to adapt to the unique A.I. of the Aliens, only to make players spend the majority of the game fighting against dumb human soldiers.


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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3