8 Most ANTI-CLIMACTIC Video Game Deaths

5. Skull Face - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

The Last of Us Part II Jesse

Metal Gear Solid V's primary human antagonist is the mysterious Skull Face, and this being a Hideo Kojima game and all, it was a reasonable player expectation that they'd get to fight him in a wild boss battle at game's end.

But alas, that moment never comes, as late in the game Skull Face is mortally wounded by the prototype Metal Gear Sahelanthropus, which while under the control of a young Psycho Mantis stomps him into the ground.

After the battle with Sahelanthropus, a dying Skull Face begs Snake and Kazuhira Miller to finish him off, but they instead blast a few of his limbs away without delivering the killing blow, leaving him to bleed to death instead.

As Snake and Miller walk away, however, a gunshot is heard, and we see that Huey Emmerich has complied with Skull Face's request.

Now to be fair to Kojima, it's clear that Skull Face's death is supposed to leave us feeling empty, given that the hollowness of revenge is one of the game's most prominent prevailing themes.

Doubly so, in fact - both that we were deprived of a high-octane boss fight and Skull Face was killed in a cutscene by someone as fundamentally lame as Huey.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.