8 Most ANTI-CLIMACTIC Video Game Deaths
6. Ridley - Metroid: Other M

Ridley is unquestionably the most iconic recurring villain in the Metroid franchise, and it was a reasonable expectation that the game would end with Samus ending him in a glorious final battle.
Except, when Samus finally tracks Ridley down once more, he's revealed to be dead already, with only the mummified husk of his remains left behind, having been drained by Other M's real final boss, Queen Metroid.
While anyone who's played Metroid Fusion will know that Ridley had to become a frozen husk eventually, players probably expected it to happen after one hell of an epic encounter with him at the end of the game, right?
Instead, the business is done by another villain off-screen, as proves especially unsatisfying given that the game hypes up this final showdown at Samus' chance to both fully prove herself and avenge Anthony's apparent death.
Even accepting that Ridley was badly injured from his prior fight with Samus, this one continues to enrage much of the Metroid fanbase to this very day.