8 Most ANTI-CLIMACTIC Video Game Deaths

3. Yu Yevon - Final Fantasy X

The Last of Us Part II Jesse
Square Enix

Though the real final boss of Final Fantasy X is Braska's Final Aeon, the actual final enemy you'll encounter in the game is Yu Yevon - the creator of Sin and the story's ultimate antagonist.

It's tough to call the final showdown with Yu Yevon a boss battle, though, given that it's near-impossible to die and he can be easily beaten in a single turn if you know what you're doing.

The combination of this hilarious nothingburger of a final battle with his ridiculous scarab-like appearance, and also the fact that he perishes amid a cosmic popcorn-fart, makes the whole thing feel completely underwhelming.

But that's entirely by design on the part of Square Enix - again, Braska's Final Aeon is the real blockbuster finale to the game, after which Yu Yevon is simply a pathetic critter to be slain with barely more than a shoulder shrug.

That explanation may not satisfy everyone who expected more from such a hyped-up entity, but it's certainly appropriate as anti-climaxes go.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.