8 Most ANTI-CLIMACTIC Video Game Deaths

1. Deckard Cain - Diablo III

The Last of Us Part II Jesse

Deckard Cain remains one of the most popular NPCs in the Diablo franchise - a quintessential Wise Old Dude who obviously wasn't going to live forever, but clearly deserved one hell of an epic going-away party.

But amid its many other disappointments, Diablo III said balls to that, instead having Cain be killed off early in the game by a poorly written, excessively cartoonish villain, Maghda, who hurls a flurry of... butterflies in his face.

While there's nothing inherently wrong with Cain being killed off - he is super, super old after all - a character of such stature and popularity clearly deserved better than getting summarily executed by a goofy-looking antagonist with an even sillier one-shot attack.

Hell, he didn't even get one of those eye-wateringly expensive Blizzard cutscenes to immortalise his end, making it all feel like even less of a big moment.

At launch Cain's thoroughly naff death only further compounded Diablo III's other pressing issues, and well over a decade later, fans still hate how Blizzard sent him on his way. 

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.